Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

100,000 at home in St. Louis!!!

Even though it seems our family has set down roots in the Inland Northwest I will always consider the St. Louis metropolitan area as home, where my wife and I grew up on the Illinois side. During the first years of our marriage we both worked downtown for a while. The building in the background is the Old Courthouse. There's a park across the street from it where we used to meet for lunch on nice days. I'm proud of the excitement and support this old familiar place is showing for Barack Obama.

Obama in St. Louis on McCain's Tax Plan

Barack in St. Louis: "Wow"

Barack at St. Louis Mo Arch rally

Obama makes calls to voters in Missouri

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Obama Biden on GOP caused economic crisis

Barack Obama on the Economy

Joe Biden on the Economy

Barack Obama speaks to Women about the Economic Crisis

Blueprint for Change: Economy

The debate, McCain/Bush & the GOP caused economic crisis


My Democratic National Convention speeches links...

DNC Convention Days 1-3

Joe Biden the next VP, Al Gore and the next president Barack Obama!

Barack Obama in the Middle East and Berlin

Barack Obama: Thoughts on Iraq and Afghanistan

Barack Obama at Yad Vashem, Israel

Barack Obama in Berlin


Barack Obama on Energy in Lansing, Michigan

Obama on Foreign Policy & Patriotism

Barack Obama: Foreign Policy Summit in Washington, DC

Barack Obama: Speech on Patriotism


Barack Obama in St. Paul, MN on the night he won nomination.

Barack Obama: The Cost of War


Obama Speech: 'A More Perfect Union'
